exit cursed labyrinth

69286 EXIT The Cursed Labyrinth

Can you solve the riddles and escape the impenetrable labyrinth?

During a tour of an historic castle, your attention is diverted to an intriguing labyrinth in the middle of the castle’s garden. Towering walls separate it from the outside world, and as you pass through the old iron gate in amazement, the sky suddenly darkens, and the wind begins to pick up. With a loud clang, the antique iron gate slams shut behind you! You try to open it, but it’s locked. Suddenly, to your terror, a gargoyle climbs over the gate toward you. Only by working together will you be able to solve the puzzles and escape the mysterious labyrinth.

Difficulty level: 2 of 5

Kosmos Helper App 

Would you prefer to have the rules of this game explained to you instead of reading the rulebook? If so, download the Kosmos Helper App. In the app, you can find animated explanations of the instructions and other helpful features for a selection of Kosmos games. Available on iOS and Android devices, find the app by searching “Kosmos Helper App” in the iOS App Store or in Google Play.

Download Helper App:



Looking for more EXIT games to try? 

gate between worlds exit

692879 EXIT: The Gate Between Worlds

The gate between worlds

Can you solve the riddles and find your way through the worlds and back home?

You have followed an ancient map to a hidden cave which purportedly contains some kind of mysterious gate. Inside the cave, you find a large metal circle made of concentric rings embedded in the rock wall.

You approach the gate hesitantly and touch it. To your astonishment, the metal rings can be rotated. Suddenly, everything goes dark around you. When you regain consciousness some time later, you are no longer in the cave, but in a bizarre new world.

Where are you? And how are you supposed to find your way back to the world you know? Only by working together as a team, solving riddles as you travel from world to world, will you be able to make it home safely.

Difficulty level: 3 of 5

Kosmos Helper App 

Would you prefer to have the rules of this game explained to you instead of reading the rulebook? If so, download the Kosmos Helper App. In the app, you can find animated explanations of the instructions and other helpful features for a selection of Kosmos games. Available on iOS and Android devices, find the app by searching “Kosmos Helper App” in the iOS App Store or in Google Play.

Download Helper App:


Check out our EXIT range! 

The sacred temple

692877 EXIT The Sacred Temple (with jigsaws)

In EXIT: The Sacred Temple, you are racing through the jungle on a small island in the Indian Ocean, trying to save the professor and find the Sacred Temple before the treasure hunters do.

Only this time it’s different because there are riddles within riddles hidden within puzzles. Like other EXITs before it, this game has no game board! But it also has no cards; instead, in this new addition to the EXIT series, there are four puzzles, which you will find during play and assemble one section at a time, one puzzle after another. Each puzzle creates an image that will show you what you need to find in the game and what each room looks like.

At the start of the game, all you have available to you are the puzzle bag and the decoder disk. But there are also strange items to be found within the game that may be used to help solve the riddles found in each of the puzzles.

The game ends when you have solved the last riddle and saved the Professor and the Sacred Temple!

Difficulty Level: 4 of 5

Kosmos Helper App 

Would you prefer to have the rules of this game explained to you instead of reading the rulebook? If so, download the Kosmos Helper App. In the app, you can find animated explanations of the instructions and other helpful features for a selection of Kosmos games. Available on iOS and Android devices, find the app by searching “Kosmos Helper App” in the iOS App Store or in Google Play.

Download Helper App:



Explore our EXIT range! 

exit lighthouse puzzle

692878 EXIT The Deserted Lighthouse (with jigsaws)

In EXIT The Game: The Deserted Lighthouse, you must work to solve the riddles and reach the lighthouse’s top to activate its beacon, saving the approaching ship before it smashes against the rocks and sinks to the bottom of the sea.

Only this time it’s different because there are riddles within riddles hidden within puzzles. Like other EXITs before it, this game has no game board! But it also has no cards; instead, in this new addition to the EXIT series, there are four puzzles, which you will find during play and assemble one section at a time, one puzzle after another. Each puzzle creates an image that will show you what you need to find in the game and what each room looks like.

At the start of the game, all you have available to you are the puzzle bag containing pieces but there are also strange items to be found within the game that may be used to help solve the riddles found in each of the puzzles.

The game ends when you have solved the last riddle and reactivated the lighthouse beacon to save the ship from sinking.

Difficulty Level: 4 of 5.

Kosmos Helper App 

Would you prefer to have the rules of this game explained to you instead of reading the rulebook? If so, download the Kosmos Helper App. In the app, you can find animated explanations of the instructions and other helpful features for a selection of Kosmos games. Available on iOS and Android devices, find the app by searching “Kosmos Helper App” in the iOS App Store or in Google Play.

Download Helper App:


Explore our EXIT range! 

advent exit ice cave

693206 EXIT Advent Calendar The Mystery of the Ice Cave (1st in the best-selling series)

The Mystery of the Ice Cave
This advent calendar is an exit game and an adventure story in one:
Behind each door you will find a tiny 3d room containing an exciting puzzle, the solution of which, day by day, brings you closer to rescue.
Only by solving all 24 riddles will you reveal the secret of the mysterious ice cave and find the exit.
If you have any issues with the advent calendar, please contact us as soon as possible. Our email is games@thamesandkosmos.co.uk and the office number is 01580713000
We can usually get you back on track within 24 hours!
Spoiler –Advent refill guide
Board game geek link

Have you tried our other Exit advent calendars?

golden book adventThe Hunt for the Golden Book

Silent Storm adventThe Silent Storm

Exit the enchanted forest

692875 EXIT The Enchanted Forest

Exit – The Enchanted Forest

What you had planned to be a relaxing walk in the woods suddenly takes a very different turn. As you are walking over a bridge, it unexpectedly disappears behind you and you begin to encounter strange fairytale creatures and even stranger puzzles.

What’s going on here — and how are you ever going to find your way out of this enchanted forest again?

Difficulty: 2 of 5

EXIT: The Enchanted Forest is available on the Kosmos Helper App! 

logo erklaer app

Would you prefer to have the rules of this game explained to you instead of reading the rulebook? If so, download the Kosmos Helper App. In the app, you can find animated explanations of the instructions and other helpful features for a selection of Kosmos games. Available on iOS and Android devices, find the app by searching “Kosmos Helper App” in the iOS App Store or in Google Play.

Now you can watch the animated instructions to learn these games without reading the rulebooks.

Want to try more novice level Exit games?  Try exit shadows over middle earth exit Lord of the Rings: Shadows over Middle-earth 

Exit Cemetery of the Knight

692876 EXIT The Cemetery of the Knight

Exit – The Cemetery of the Knight

According to an old legend, a priceless red ruby ​​is said to be hidden in the tomb of Sir Reginald Wreston and it can only be found when the moon is at just the right angle in the night’s sky. The problem is, the moon is only ever at the right angle at midnight on a specific night once every 87 years! But guess what? Tonight is that night!

Up until now the crypt has remained sealed, and over the course of centuries, no one has ever succeeded in opening it. “Who knows what might happen tonight …” you think to yourself as you make your way through the cemetery into the darkness. Will you and your group of curious treasure hunters have what it takes to finally solve the mystery and uncover the coveted gem?

Difficulty: 3 of 5

EXIT: The Cemetery of the Knight is available on the Kosmos Helper App! 

Would you prefer to have the rules of this game explained to you instead of reading the rulebook? If so, download the Kosmos Helper App. In the app, you can find animated explanations of the instructions and other helpful features for a selection of Kosmos games. Available on iOS and Android devices, find the app by searching “Kosmos Helper App” in the iOS App Store or in Google Play.

Download Helper App:


Check out our range of EXIT games!